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Define approaches for dealing with external service startup #1468

Open starksm64 opened 3 weeks ago

starksm64 commented 3 weeks ago

Startup of external services like databases and mail servers was done using ant scripts in EE10. We need to document how this should be done in EE11.

scottmarlow commented 3 weeks ago

We could add bash scripts for starting local database/mail server prior to starting the TCK tests that need it. We could have separate scripts for stopping local database/mail server after running the TCK tests. For this to be robust enough, we could add a signal handler via trap in a higher level script that starts/stops the external services.

We could look at integration with https://github.com/testcontainers as well or something similar. I think that the testcontainers approach is to monitor the client process to know when to stop the database server.

starksm64 commented 3 weeks ago

Junit5 supports a notion of suites that can be defined on a class via annotations: JUnit Platform Suite Engine

There are currently no available BeforeSuite/AfterSuite lifecycle methods or annotations in a public release (it is an alpha dev feature). This can be mimicked using a Junit5 extension. The ejb32 module has an example suite class for the com.sun.ts.tests.ejb32.lite.timer.basic.xa package:

package com.sun.ts.tests.ejb32.lite.timer.basic.xa;

import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectClasses;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

 * A Junit5 suite that runs all the tests in the com.sun.ts.tests.ejb32.lite.timer.basic.xa package. This should
 * be extended by a vendor to include the startup of the database backing the ejblite-pu/jta-data-source jdbc/DBTimer
 * datasource.
public class XATimerSuite {

This can be run from surefire by passing in the suite class name as you would a test class name.

This package needs a database to back the ejblite-pu referenced by the persistence.xml descriptor used by the tests. One way to start/stop a database for the tests is to create an extension of this suite class that si also a Junit5 extension:

package ejb32.lite.timer.basic.xa;

import com.sun.ts.tests.ejb32.lite.timer.basic.xa.XATimerSuite;
import ee.tck.javadb.JavaDBController;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.BeforeAllCallback;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

 * Extends the XATimerSuite to start and stop the JavaDB server before and after the suite.
public class JavaDBSetupExtension extends XATimerSuite implements BeforeAllCallback, ExtensionContext.Store.CloseableResource {
    public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws Exception {
        System.out.printf("beforeAll suite");
        Path tsHome = Paths.get(System.getProperty("ts.home"));
        Path derbyHome = tsHome.resolve("../glassfish7/javadb");
        JavaDBController controller = new JavaDBController();
        System.out.println("JavaDBSetupExtension.starting JavaDB with derbyHome="+derbyHome);
        extensionContext.publishReportEntry("JavaDBSetupExtension.beforeAll", "JavaDBSetupExtension.starting JavaDB with derbyHome="+derbyHome);
        System.out.println("JavaDBSetupExtension.started JavaDB");
        extensionContext.publishReportEntry("JavaDBSetupExtension.beforeAll", "Starting JavaDB");

    public void close() throws Throwable {
        System.out.printf("Closing suite");
        JavaDBController controller = new JavaDBController();
        System.out.println("StartStopTest.stopped JavaDB");

This is from the https://github.com/jakartaredhat/wildfly-ee11-tck-runner.git repo. In the BeforeAllCallback#beforeAll method the javadb is started using a new tck libutil ee.tck.javadb.JavaDBController class. It is stopped when the ExtensionContext.Store.CloseableResource#close method is called.

starksm64 commented 3 weeks ago

Another thing we may want to do is to define a new custom Junit5 TestEngine that leverages Junit5/Arquillian, but add supports for exclusions, and service startup. A couple of blogs on the topic:

https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/post/junit-build-custom-test-engines-java https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/post/junit-test-custom-test-engines-java

starksm64 commented 3 weeks ago

Another way a exclusion list could be implemented is to provide a https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/api/org.junit.jupiter.api/org/junit/jupiter/api/extension/ExecutionCondition.html that references the current exclusion list.