jakartaee / rest

Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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cleanup javajoe/j2ee users and stop glassfish domain #1080

Closed alwin-joseph closed 2 years ago

alwin-joseph commented 2 years ago

Fixes https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaxrs-api/issues/1079 .

Requesting fast-track review for this one as it changes neither the api nor the spec.

arjantijms commented 2 years ago

Isn't it all easier / better to do this via the Arquillian plug-in and/or enhance that plug-in where needed?




and then:

                              create-jdbc-connection-pool --restype javax.sql.DataSource --datasourceclassname org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource cts-derby-pool
                              create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid cts-derby-pool jdbc/DB1
                         <!-- Use -Dglassfish.debug=true to debug server part -->
mkarg commented 2 years ago

I request fast-path for this PR as it does neither change the API nor the spec. Unfortunately the original author did not request it right from the start.