jakartaee / rest

Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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TCK Improvement : Use arquillian plugin for executing Glassfish commands #1085

Open alwin-joseph opened 2 years ago

alwin-joseph commented 2 years ago

In jersey-tck/ use arquillian plugin for Glassfish start/stop domain, create/delete users and other commands to be run on glassfish. The same is used for faces prototype tck (in mojarra project). Improve the plugin if required.

Currently we use the below arquillian plugin as glassfish connector.


Instead of the above, below jar can be used that has been forked and enhanced from above jar.


The relevant comments that discusses the task :




@arjantijms @jelemux

jansupol commented 2 years ago

<glassfish.postBootCommands> looks good. But... if I am not mistaken, GF is restarted for each test/deployment using Arquillian. Is the postBootCommands executed each time the war gets deployed? In Jakarta-REST, we only enable HTTP trace requests, so it can be fast, but we have a couple of hundreds of wars.