jakartaee / rest

Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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ee.jakarta.tck.ws.rs.ee.rs.container.requestcontext.JAXRSClientIT should be excluded from Core Profile executions #1120

Closed brideck closed 1 year ago

brideck commented 1 year ago

The application used for the ee.jakarta.tck.ws.rs.ee.rs.container.requestcontext tests has an explicit dependency on Servlet, which is not part of Core Profile.


There should be an exclusion group that includes these tests for vendors certifying Core Profile in the absence of servlet.

brideck commented 1 year ago

Per the discussion on the TCK call earlier today, the proposal would be to tag this one as belonging to a "servlet" group.

alwin-joseph commented 1 year ago

TCK bundle at https://download.eclipse.org/ee4j/jakartaee-tck/jakartaee10/staged/eftl/jakarta-restful-ws-tck-3.1.1.zip is updated with this changes.