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Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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TCK: The ee.jakarta.tck.ws.rs.sebootstrap.SeBootstrapIT tests should be optional #1128

Closed jim-krueger closed 1 year ago

jim-krueger commented 1 year ago

This request related to issue #1127

Since the consensus is that the Java SE Bootstrap support added in Jakarta Restful Web Services 3.1 was intended to only be "...mandatory for those compliant products that already provide a way to natively bootstrap on Java SE.", the ee.jakarta.tck.ws.rs.sebootstrap.SeBootstrapIT should be made to be optional.

One option would be to add these tests to the TCK-Exclude-List.txt file.

Another option would be to code these tests in such a way as to make them optional and update the TCK user guild to document how to configure things to prevent their execution.

Emily-Jiang commented 1 year ago

From the spec, the Java SE is optional for EE environment. The option to exclude this test sounds reasonable. Thoughts? @spericas @jansupol ?

spericas commented 1 year ago

Any comments @alwin-joseph?

alwin-joseph commented 1 year ago

IMO it would be better to add a new tag, (say "optional" or "se_optional") to the SeBootstrapIT tests and document the same. In this way the optional tests will be run by default and they can be skipped using -DexcludedGroups , similar to how it was done for "servlet", "security" , "xml_binding" tagged tests. Disabling them (with @Disabled) will not let those tests to be run at all.

One option would be to add these tests to the TCK-Exclude-List.txt file.

The file is used only for documentation purpose and does not disable or exclude any test actually.

Another option would be to code these tests in such a way as to make them optional and update the TCK user guild to document how to configure things to prevent their execution.


Edit : New tag implemented in the PR https://github.com/jakartaee/rest/pull/1131 is "se_bootstrap".

cc @mkarg

spericas commented 1 year ago

@alwin-joseph I agree, I like the idea of using tags instead of disabling tests. Unless somebody objects, let's proceed with this option.

mkarg commented 1 year ago

+1 for using the new "se_bootstrap" tag

Emily-Jiang commented 1 year ago

+1 for using the new "se_bootstrap" tag

+1 By the way, the service release can be started asap.