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Response.Status does not include '422 unprocessable entity' #1149

Open Ziaunys opened 1 year ago

Ziaunys commented 1 year ago

I noticed that the status enum doesn't contain an entry for the 422 status code.
I see that there's an path for adding codes that aren't in the enum by implementing StatusType so that's probably the best option for now. Perhaps it could be added in the future? I don't know what criteria is used to determine which codes go in there or if it's just arbitrary. Thanks.

mkarg commented 1 year ago

JAX-RS is not a complete product, but just an extensible framework that comes with foundational base work. Adding new numbers to that base only makes sense if a lot of users (possibly all) need to use that number in a frequent cadence. Otherwise you can simply implement StatusType and publish it as a standalone open source library if you see a need for many (but not lots) of users. An example is to be found here: https://gitlab.com/headcrashing/webdav-jaxrs/-/blob/master/src/main/java/net/java/dev/webdav/jaxrs/ResponseStatus.java. We invented StatusType exactly for such edge cases where a specific set of status codes is bound to a specific use case or technology (like WebDAV). Anecode: It was exactly that particular piece of code (jaxrs-webdav) that made me invent that particular interface and proposed it for adoption to JAX-RS 1.1.

jansupol commented 1 year ago

I can see RFC 9110 containing the status codes.

It looks like the industry (but Helidon) contains all the status codes available. I understand the StatusType to be more of a support for cases when Status is not available when the API was created, but is available when the API is used. For 4.0, I think it makes sense to implement the status codes in the HTTP RFC.

mkarg commented 1 year ago

I have nothing against it if all vendors agree to do so. Nevertheless, I have not seen any single application making active use of it, so I still doubt the general benefit.

In fact, the sole cause why I invented the StatusType interface more than a decade ago was explicitly the possibility to provide modularity in this area, but nothing else.

spericas commented 1 year ago

I don't see a strong reason not to add them. @Ziaunys Are you interested in contributing a PR?

chkal commented 1 year ago

Please also see the discussion here: https://github.com/jakartaee/rest/issues/1147#issuecomment-1565395466