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Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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Add a way to get the template for the current request #1191

Open Azquelt opened 7 months ago

Azquelt commented 7 months ago

I couldn't find a way to get the full template used to match the current request against a rest resource.


I'm working on support for MicroProfile OpenTelemetry, which integrates with Jakarta Rest to automatically create traces when rest requests are served. These traces can be aggregated from many microservices so that you can look at one incoming request and see all the microservices which were involved in serving the response.

One of the suggested pieces of information to add to each trace is what they call the "route":

The matched route, that is, the path template in the format used by the respective server framework. OpenTelemetry Specification

So, for example, if I had this resource:

public class FooResource {

    public String getFoo(@PathParam("id") String id) {
        /* ... */

For a request to /foo/12345, I'd want to use the string /foo/{id} as the value for http.route. (Assuming an application path of /)

Storing this information allows me to search all the aggregated traces and find ones which involved a request to this endpoint. For Jakarta REST, I think it's usually equivalent to the class + method pair used to serve the request, but conceptually, the idea of the path template is more easily understandable and applicable across different languages and frameworks.


Although this is information which any Jakarta Rest implementation needs to process to serve a request, I couldn't find a way for an application or a filter to get or to reliably construct this string using the API.

For a simple case where only one resource class is involved, I can inject ResourceInfo to get the class and method and use reflection to look at the @Path annotations on both, but this approach doesn't work if sub-resources are used to serve the request.

Would it be possible to add to the API a way to get the template used to serve the current request, or expose the information needed to reconstruct it? I think this could be done by either:

jim-krueger commented 7 months ago

Thanks @Azquelt. Unless there is some other way to get this information in a sub-resource scenario, perhaps ResourceInfo should have a getSuperResourceInfo() method added to it that would return null or the ResourceInfo object for the super resource class. Perhaps we'll get a better suggestion here.

spericas commented 7 months ago

@Azquelt Seems like a useful addition. Simple cases should be possible today with some introspection, at least those without resource locators.

@jim-krueger I agree. However, such a method would require creating a new instance of ResourceInfo for every request, as you could reach the same resource using different locators. Not sure about the implementation implications.

@jansupol Any concerns from an implementation point of view?

jamezp commented 7 months ago

I just want to add a +1 to this. It's come up for WildFly before as well and the workarounds aren't ideal as they usually rely on implementation details.

jansupol commented 5 months ago

@Azquelt Should @ApplicationPath be included?

Azquelt commented 5 months ago

@jansupol For my use case yes, I would want to include both the ApplicationPath and any context root.

I don't have a strong opinion as to whether that should be returned from the API, as long as it's possible for someone to construct the full template including the application path and context root.

mkarg commented 5 months ago

This sounds like a useful addition, but regarding your original use case I wonder if the route really is the template. Isn't it the actual resource?

Azquelt commented 5 months ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "the actual resource" here.

The concept of the "route" is defined by the OpenTelemetry Specification as the path template (in whatever format is used by the server framework). I'm asking for a portable way to get that information from Jakarta REST.

jansupol commented 5 months ago

I am +1 for this, but we need to find a proper name for this. Right I can see the following suggestions:

jamezp commented 5 months ago

I think I like "request template" best, however I do question if that doesn't fit an "@ApplicationPath". In which case, I guess "path template" might make the most sense.

I have no real strong preference though.

mkarg commented 5 months ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "the actual resource" here. The concept of the "route" is defined by the OpenTelemetry Specification as the path template (in whatever format is used by the server framework). I'm asking for a portable way to get that information from Jakarta REST.

The resource is https://foo/bar and the template is https://foo/{id}.

With the actual value (bar) I would call it "resource path", with the placeholder ({id}) I would call it "resource template".

jamezp commented 5 months ago

That's a good point on "path" vs "template". I guess to me something like resourceTemplate() makes the most sense. I suppose it won't always be a template, but it also won't always be a path.

mkarg commented 5 months ago

It sounds strange, but a template is even a template if it does not contain any placeholders at all. So we can call it resourceTemplate if it could contain placeholders.

jamezp commented 5 months ago

It sounds strange, but a template is even a template if it does not contain any placeholders at all. So we can call it resourceTemplate if it could contain placeholders.

This makes the most sense to me then.