jakartaee / rest

Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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Compile the API to Java SE 17 #1202

Closed jamezp closed 5 months ago

jamezp commented 6 months ago

I had started a discussion on the mailing list about this.

In https://github.com/jakartaee/rest/pull/1168 the project was updated to require Java SE 21. We don't however use any Java SE 21 specific features. In my opinion it would be better for adoption to have a minimum of Java SE 17.

There are consumers outside of Jakarta EE that consume the Jakarta REST spec. Some of these consumers are in environments where they are likely not able to use the latest version of Java for various reasons.

I propose we compile down to Java 17, but keep the minimum JDK requirement for compiling at Java 21. No other individual specification, other than Jakarta Concurrency, are requiring Java 21. There is nothing in the specification that requires a project to use any specific version of Java at all.

jamezp commented 5 months ago

Given the proposal of 3.2, I'm going to close this. We can re-address it if plans change.