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TCK Challenge: ee.jakarta.tck.ws.rs.ee.rs.core.headers.JAXRSClientIT.contentLanguageTest uses the wrong Variant arguments #1239

Closed jamezp closed 3 months ago

jamezp commented 3 months ago

In the ee.jakarta.tck.ws.rs.ee.rs.core.headers.JAXRSClientIT.contentLanguageTest when the Variant is constructed the language "en-US" is passed. However, in the JavaDoc for the argument it states:

@param language the language of the variant (two-letter ISO-639 code); may be {@code null}.

The test should be using new Variant(MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE, "en", "US", null); instead of new Variant(MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE, "en-US", null);.

This was found in RESTEasy with a change to use language tags for locales, for reference https://github.com/resteasy/resteasy/pull/4054.