jakartaee / rest

Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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[1239] Use the correct Variant constructor for the header content lan… #1240

Closed jamezp closed 3 months ago

jamezp commented 3 months ago

…guage TCK test.

resolves #1239

This potentially may need to be back ported to 3.1 as well.

spericas commented 3 months ago

@alwin-joseph Do you agree?

alwin-joseph commented 3 months ago

@alwin-joseph Do you agree?


I think the test was passing with previous changes as java.util.Locale accepted "en-US" also as language at https://github.com/jakartaee/rest/blob/c97bac8a5bc91628611bd46e71890ab16986e394/jaxrs-api/src/main/java/jakarta/ws/rs/core/Variant.java#L55.