jakartaee / rest

Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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CD job for the API publishing does not publish parent pom to staging #1253

Closed senivam closed 2 months ago

senivam commented 2 months ago

The job that is being used to publish API to staging does not properly publish the parent pom to the staging. In order to work correctly the job shall be modified to run the build using -pl .,:jakarta.ws.rs-api from the root project folder (${WORKSPACE}) or -pl :project,:jakarta.ws.rs-api from within the ${BUILD_DIR} which is defined as "${WORKSPACE}/jaxrs-api/" otherwise job wont publish the parent pom again and the #1252 would be reopened

spericas commented 2 months ago

@senivam New run has pushed parent pom. Could you check this again?

senivam commented 2 months ago

now we fixed it with @jim-krueger So, confirmed as fixed