jakartaee / rest

Jakarta RESTful Web Services
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Sources aren't published into maven central #1264

Open dstepanov opened 1 month ago

dstepanov commented 1 month ago

To implement TCK frameworks like Micronaut, sources must be processed with the annotation processors, which requires recompiling the test sources.

jamezp commented 1 month ago

I'm seeing sources here https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/jakarta/ws/rs/jakarta.ws.rs-api/4.0.0/ for the API, but I don't see sources for the TCK. My understanding though is you need to download from https://download.eclipse.org/jakartaee/restful-ws/4.0/ which does include he sources.

jansupol commented 1 month ago

This is interesting. I completely understand the requirement for rebuilding the TCK tests, and it makes sense.

It nicely demonstrates the progress of frameworks state from Java EE. Back then, only a few TCKs were allowed to be rebuilt and JAX-RS was not one of them. I certainly am not sure about the rules with Jakarta. However, the certification compatibility request (if it would be made official) includes the SHA of the TCK bundle which will change in the case where the tests are being rebuilt. It may make sense to discuss this with the Platform Spec committee.