jake-low / postcss-multi-value-display

PostCSS plugin to transform CSS Display Level 3 multi-value syntax to equivalent CSS2 values
MIT License
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Is it the same as `postcss-normalize-display-values`? #1

Open Semigradsky opened 3 years ago

Semigradsky commented 3 years ago



jake-low commented 3 years ago

Sure looks to be! :facepalm:

I didn't realize that cssnano was composed of small plugins that can be used individually. And even if I had, I probably wouldn't have thought to look there (I thought cssnano was mainly focused on minification, though I guess the single-value syntax is mostly shorter than the two-value equivalents and normalizing them everywhere probably helps with GZIP compression a tiny bit...)

It looks like postcss-normalize-display-values doesn't support using the two-value versions in either order (inline flex and flex inline should both be allowed, if I understand the spec correctly). I'll see about making a PR for that on the cssnano repository.

In any case, it looks like this plugin is redundant with one that already exists and can be archived. Thanks for pointing this out to me.