jake-phy / WindowIconList

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Need consistent way to access settings #27

Closed tmetro closed 11 years ago

tmetro commented 11 years ago

In https://github.com/jake-phy/WindowIconList/issues/24 jake-phy commented:

have you tried changing the settings (rightclick on a favorite and select settings).

What if you have no favorites?

I've seen other dock bars with a similar UI problem. In that case there was a small sliver of background behind the left most item on the dock where if you found it and right-clicked you could get a context menu. Not user friendly.

How about putting the "Settings" item on all of the context menus. Perhaps prefix it with something to make it clear it is for the dock and not the application icon being clicked on.

It seems the workaround here is to navigate to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/WindowListGroup@jake.phy@gmail.com and run ./configure.py. How about adding an application menu entry under Preferences that launches this?

tmetro commented 11 years ago

I read here: http://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/applets/view/16

The settings launcher is in the right click menu of the favorites if favorites are enabled if they're not it's in the normal right click list

I only see a settings option on favorite items. If I disable showing favorites, there is no settings options on the remaining icons.

Maybe what I suggested (show settings on all context menus) is what was intended, but due to a bug that isn't happening.

jake-phy commented 11 years ago

i have it set so that if the favorites are turned off then the settings show in the context menu. I thought it made the menu kinda messy when i had it in the menu all the time

tmetro commented 11 years ago

I wrote:

If I disable showing favorites, there is no settings options on the remaining icons.

I can no longer reproduce this. If I disable favorites, I now see a "settings" item on the context menu of the remaining items.

Maye another restart is required after initially changing the setting? (It seems to dynamically switch now without a restart.)

I'm closing the ticket.