jake3991 / DRACo-SLAM

Multirobot SLAM system for underwater vehicles with imaging sonar
MIT License
33 stars 6 forks source link

some problems #4

Open WLXM0922 opened 3 months ago

WLXM0922 commented 3 months ago

Hello, thank you for your contribution. I encountered some problems when I reappeared your work recently, and I look forward to your reply. First of all, in the dead_reckoning.py file, it seems that you don't have the initialization parameter self.rov_id, which makes it impossible to correctly publish the transformation from odom coordinate system to base_link coordinate system of each robot. Next,when I run roslaunch draco_slam slam.launch, I open a new terminal to run roabag play sample_data_three_robot.bag, and it displays "unknown frame world" in rviz. However, the launch file of each rov has the following definition: . Why is it wrong to report "unknown frame world"? I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice.