jake3991 / sonar-SLAM

Underwater SLAM for robots with multibeam sonar
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catkin build error (bruce_slam package failed) #13

Open YuanboXue opened 4 months ago

YuanboXue commented 4 months ago

Hello! When I run the 'catkin build', it seems that all packages succeeded except 'bruce_slam' shown in the picture. Sorry to trouble you and I really appreciate your valuable support and help :)

Screenshot from 2024-02-20 14-29-20

Pgw-hub commented 4 months ago

same here..!

can i ask which version of PCL library shoud we use?

lbhqw commented 3 months ago

Do you solve?

WLXM0922 commented 3 months ago

Me, too. How should I solve it? Thank you very much for your reply.

WLXM0922 commented 3 months ago

Hello! When I run the 'catkin build', it seems that all packages succeeded except 'bruce_slam' shown in the picture. Sorry to trouble you and I really appreciate your valuable support and help :)

Screenshot from 2024-02-20 14-29-20

I added set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) to the CMakeLists.txt file in the bruce_slam folder, and there was no pcl problem.

Pgw-hub commented 3 months ago

Me either, i added


to the CMakeLists.txt file and build succeed.

When i comment the point cloud downsampling part of feature extraction then, getting image from rosbag is working well. But when i run with uncommenting it, then suddenly stops.

WLXM0922 commented 3 months ago

Me either, i added


to the CMakeLists.txt file and build succeed.

When i comment the point cloud downsampling part of feature extraction then, getting image from rosbag is working well. But when i run with uncommenting it, then suddenly stops.

Hello, when I run roslaunchbruce _ slam.launch in a terminal and open a new terminal to run rosbag play sample_data.bag, the first terminal will report an error: [bruce/slam/feature_extraction-4] process has died [pid 8297, exit code -11, cmd /home/xlx/aa_ws/src/sonar-SLAM/bruce_slam/scripts/feature_extraction_node.py __name:=feature_extraction __log:=/home/xlx/.ros/log/dec655f8-eaae-11ee-b137-0b75a2b0275a/bruce-slam-feature_extraction-4.log]. log file: /home/xlx/.ros/log/dec655f8-eaae-11ee-b137-0b75a2b0275a/bruce-slam-feature_extraction-4*.log The image in rviz is completely still, and no slam task is started. May I ask, what is the reason?I would be very grateful for your answer, if you know.

YuanboXue commented 3 months ago

Same error when running roslaunch bruce _ slam slam.launch. Haven't solved.

yangyouze commented 1 month ago

Same error when running roslaunch bruce _ slam slam.launch. Haven't solved.

have you solve this problem?

WLXM0922 commented 1 month ago

Same error when running roslaunch bruce _ slam slam.launch. Haven't solved.

Hello, have you solved this problem before? Looking forward to your reply, thank you.

WLXM0922 commented 1 month ago

Same error when running roslaunch bruce _ slam slam.launch. Haven't solved.

have you solve this problem?

Hello, have you solved this problem before? Looking forward to your reply, thank you.

YuanboXue commented 1 month ago

Same error when running roslaunch bruce _ slam slam.launch. Haven't solved.

have you solve this problem?

Hello, have you solved this problem before? Looking forward to your reply, thank you.

Still not. The error is: ![Uploading Screenshot from 2024-05-24 19-10-19.png…]()