jake3991 / sonar-SLAM

Underwater SLAM for robots with multibeam sonar
MIT License
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double free or corruption (out) #17

Closed WLXM0922 closed 1 month ago

WLXM0922 commented 1 month ago

Hello, dear author, thank you very much for your work. I had a problem running your source code. When I ran the slam.launch file, I started the data package. The slam node only ran successfully for 31 times, and then the slam node died, and the terminal would report an error: double free or corruption (out). When I was debugging, I found that as long as I started running the launch file again and played the data set from the beginning, the slam node would die at the 32nd time, every time. But the code does not release memory with free, so I want to ask if this problem is caused by pcl.cpp file, or is there something wrong with the ROV rosbag? If you know what's going on, I hope you can give me some advice and look forward to your reply.