Doesn't need polish but should have the shape and aesthetic that we will want.
Use the level editor that was added
[x] Add unique tiles for the end world
[x] End world has area where the final boss is found
"A final world will be reached after the player enters the fifth portal. This world will contain the final boss and will be pre-defined. This world will be made of a number of hand-made tiles unique to this area."
Added a small area in the end world, will discuss what to add to it later. Could leave it as is, it meets the requirements set in our project proposal.
Doesn't need polish but should have the shape and aesthetic that we will want.
Use the level editor that was added
"A final world will be reached after the player enters the fifth portal. This world will contain the final boss and will be pre-defined. This world will be made of a number of hand-made tiles unique to this area."