jakehilborn / debbit

Automate spending requirements for high interest checking accounts / credit cards
MIT License
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Debbit made unwanted AT&T payment #53

Open someperson opened 3 years ago

someperson commented 3 years ago

I have Debbit set up to schedule 1 payment of $1.00 every month for AT&T bill pay. Yesterday, Debbit processed a $1 payment, but produced an error saying it was unable to verify the payment was successful. Today, it did it again! It made a second undesired payment, also for $1.00, and produced the same error. Please explain how this is possible. I think I am going to have to quit using Debbit in the meantime, because extra payments like this are not acceptable. I'm trying to contact AT&T to see if I can somehow undo it, but I doubt that's going to be possible :(

jakehilborn commented 3 years ago

There's a typo in the code that's marking successful payments as unverified. If you want, you can edit line 93 of the file program_files/merchants/att_bill_pay.py

Change elif driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[text()='We got your $ + " + utils.cents_to_str(amount) + " payment']"): to elif driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[text()='We got your $" + utils.cents_to_str(amount) + " payment']"):

Debbit will show errors if a payment fails and will promptly stop scheduling new payments. However, if you close Debbit and start it again it will retry. To fix this will require a new Debbit release. I've got a few messages to respond to so it may be a few weeks. Making the change manually in the mean time should do the trick though. I emphasize "should", since I haven't tested it but from eyeballing it it seems obvious what the error is.