jakeisnt / nixcfg

A modular, Wayland-enabled NixOS configuration.
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nvim wishlist #163

Closed jakeisnt closed 2 years ago

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

list of things i want from nvim that i should add

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

file tree plugin should change directories to the current project rather than being stuck in whatever directory nvim was started from

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

direnv should autoload whenever editing a file that is in a project with a direnv file!! (mostly for loading nix shells)

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

15_LoadFTPlugin completely bails on racket files because of all of the different racket #langs screwing with the language server protocol operating on file type detection

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

nvim lua: unable to concatenate a nil value? when opening nvim tree after viewing a racket file

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

shortcut to make a new bullet in org mode, markdown mode and when writing documentation e.g. when you have something of the form

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

in emacs when i split the pane i want the pane to open in the same project and folder as the previous one. in nvim, when i split the pane i want it to ask me what file from the local folder i want to open, or what folder from the project i want to open

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

in nvim tree, want a way to navigate up directories. also want the tree to show the project rather than the current dir that the file is in when the tree is opened

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

when cursor is on one paren, i want to see the corresponding closing paren - not just when one paren or the other is typed.

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

maybe don't let lsp recommend when typing comments? it's fine but kind of annoying reconsider how often i need recommendations in general - i might not really use or need them at all, or i need a more convenient way to insert them than typing out the whole word of the recommendation

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

add some keymaps with nvim treesitter textobjects

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

splitting windows (and any command that uses space) should be mapped in visual and normal mode, and any other mode besides edit mode

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

jump with multiple characters (vim sneak? nvim sneak? something similar tothis)

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

up and down arrows just move the status line up and down while left and right arrows do nothing. they should probably navigate the text just like hjkl.

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

some combination of keyboard shortcuts means that when nvim git window for making commit is opened, the cursor slides down about eight lines and i have to move it back up to add text to the commit. this is annoying!

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

add code actions and autoformatting

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

for some reason i can';t type in numbers to jump that many lines. necessary feature!

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

status bar should show number of errors and warnings in the file; there should also be a keyboard shortcut to go to the next error (if not already implemented)

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

cool that rust warnings show inline but this doesn't work out when the lines are really long

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

use diagnosticls alongside tsserver for js development? https://neovim.discourse.group/t/multiple-parallel-langauge-servers/235/8

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

show git diffs in git view somehow easily

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

my magic 'move text block that's highlighted' should work for more rthan just one line at a time

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

some way to see last vim commands run and rerun them

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

telescope should create new files periods should be 'words'

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

if automplete knows the function has no arguments, automatically close the function call parens when filling in the automplete suggestion

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

space comma to search all of the open buffers! space space to search for another file? what to toggle to the last file? unify with doom emacs

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

semantic text navigation: i.e. deleting terms rather than deleting words

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago



jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

ff configuration: https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/p7ui3r/eslint_lua_solution/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

switch to native plugin management (whatever olical is using) instead of managing through nix. much more flexible and it will allow me to work on neovim plugins easily!

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

highlight urls in comment strings command to open said url in browser https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9458294/open-url-under-cursor-in-vim-with-browser looks helpful