jakejs / jake

JavaScript build tool, similar to Make or Rake. Built to work with Node.js.
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How to read the return value from jake.exec? #337

Closed AlessandroBudroni closed 7 years ago

AlessandroBudroni commented 7 years ago

Suppose I want to run a test using

jake.exec('node test.js);

How can I know if the test was successful or not? In other words, how can I know if the script returned 0 or an error code?

busticated commented 7 years ago

i assume you've seen the docs on .exec? --> http://jakejs.com/docs#running_shell-commands:_`jakeexec`_and_`jake.create_exec`_`jakeexec`

iirc, the default behavior is to exit on error and return the associated code.

as an example, here's a simple eslint task i use:

task('lint', function(){
    var files = new jake.FileList(),

    console.log('\n::::: Linting Project :::::');

    files = files.toArray();

    eslintCfg = ['eslint'];
    eslintCfg.push.apply(eslintCfg, files);
    eslintCfg = eslintCfg.join(' ');
    jake.exec(eslintCfg, { printStdout: true }, onComplete);

    function listFile(file){

    function onComplete(){
        console.log(`::::: Linting Passed [files: ${files.length}] :::::`);
}, { async: true });

when it fails, i see the following in the console:

jake aborted.
Error: Process exited with error.
    at api.fail (/path/to/my/project/node_modules/jake/lib/api.js:336:18)
    at Exec.<anonymous> (/path/to/my/project/node_modules/jake/lib/utils/index.js:124:9)
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

checking the return status via echo $? shows the code 1

edit: the key is that the process you run via .exec() should itself exit with an appropriate status code 👍

AlessandroBudroni commented 7 years ago

I understand... thank you for your clarifying answer :)