jakeleboeuf / contributor

A simple Node.js module to add git contributors to your package.json.
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non-interactive mode? #7

Open zeke opened 9 years ago

zeke commented 9 years ago

I would like to use contributor in an npm prepublish flow, but because the CLI is interactive I don't think that will work. Is it possible to pass options to the CLI to prevent the backup file, the contributors.md, etc?

stramel commented 9 years ago

@zeke @jakeleboeuf This should be fairly simple task to add in minimist or yargs packages in combination with the already existing prompt. See here on skipping the prompts: https://www.npmjs.com/package/prompt#skipping-prompts

Side Note: Is this package dead? I would love to see activity on it again and make it a solid package used widely in the opensource community.

jakeleboeuf commented 9 years ago

Yo @zeke and @stramel! Yea that would be rad. Unfortunately I have not had the time to maintain this project for several months. Hoping to make time to make a ton of updates soon... This would definitely be included! ¯(ツ)

marcellodesales commented 9 years ago

+1 on that... #10 is where I felt this could be definitely a great feature...