For the following articles, the content of the section headers "Aim", "Conclusion", etc. is dropped in the final bioc output which means we lose some context
<AbstractText Label="AIM" NlmCategory="OBJECTIVE">To investigate the impact of KRAS mutation variants on the activity of regorafenib in SW48 colorectal cancer cells.</AbstractText>
AIM: To investigate the impact of KRAS mutation variants on the activity of regorafenib in SW48 colorectal cancer cells.
To investigate the impact of KRAS mutation variants on the activity of regorafenib in SW48 colorectal cancer cells.
For the following articles, the content of the section headers "Aim", "Conclusion", etc. is dropped in the final bioc output which means we lose some context
<AbstractText Label="AIM" NlmCategory="OBJECTIVE">To investigate the impact of KRAS mutation variants on the activity of regorafenib in SW48 colorectal cancer cells.</AbstractText>