jakeret / hope

HOPE: A Python Just-In-Time compiler for astrophysical computations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Examples not running on Python 3.6 #57

Open douglase opened 6 years ago

douglase commented 6 years ago

The following code works in Python 2.7 on in macOS 10.13:


def hope_exp(X,Y,Z,A):
        A[:] = hope.exp((X**2+Y**2)/Z)


but in Python 3.6.1 it returns the following error:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_transformer.py in visit_Assign(self, node) 286 --> 287 target, value = self.visit(node.targets[0]), self.visit(node.value) 288

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/ast.py in visit(self, node) 252 visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit) --> 253 return visitor(node) 254

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_transformer.py in visit_Call(self, node) 577 elif isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute): --> 578 if not node.starargs is None or not node.kwargs is None: 579 raise UnsupportedFeatureException("Only arguments without default values are supported in calls")

AttributeError: 'Call' object has no attribute 'starargs'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_transformer.py in body_visit(self, stmts) 641 try: --> 642 self.exprs.append(self.visit(stmt)) 643 except Exception as ex:

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/ast.py in visit(self, node) 252 visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit) --> 253 return visitor(node) 254

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_transformer.py in visit_Assign(self, node) 318 from hope._tosource import tosource --> 319 ex.args = ((ex.args[0] if ex.args else "") + "\nin line " + tosource(node),) + ex.args[1:] 320 raise

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_tosource.py in tosource(node, indent_with, add_line_information) 77 generator = SourceGenerator(indent_with, add_line_information) ---> 78 generator.visit(node) 79

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/ast.py in visit(self, node) 252 visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit) --> 253 return visitor(node) 254

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_tosource.py in visit_Assign(self, node) 173 self.write(' = ') --> 174 self.visit(node.value) 175

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/ast.py in visit(self, node) 252 visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit) --> 253 return visitor(node) 254

/Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_tosource.py in visit_Call(self, node) 440 self.visit(keyword.value) --> 441 if node.starargs is not None: 442 write_comma()

AttributeError: 'Call' object has no attribute 'starargs'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () 9 def hope_exp(X,Y,Z,A): 10 A[:] = hope.exp((X**2+Y**2)/Z) ---> 11 hope_exp(x,y,z,out) 12 np.exp((x**2 + y**2)/z) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_wrapper.py in _hope_callback(*args) 69 70 def _hope_callback(*args): ---> 71 return self(*args) if self.cache is None else self.cache(*args) 72 self.callback = _hope_callback 73 setattr(cache, str(id(self.callback)), fkt) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_wrapper.py in __call__(self, *args) 75 76 def __call__(self, *args): ---> 77 ASTTransformer(self.modtoken).module_visit(self.fkt, args) 78 79 if config.optimize: /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_transformer.py in module_visit(self, fkt, args, argid) 690 if argid is None or not argid in self.modtoken.functions[fkt.__name__]: 691 #Create the HOPE AST from the builtin AST --> 692 parsed = self.visit(fktast) 693 if not parsed.getId() in [arg.getId() for arg in self.modtoken.functions[fkt.__name__]]: 694 self.modtoken.functions[fkt.__name__].append(parsed) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/ast.py in visit(self, node) 251 method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__ 252 visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit) --> 253 return visitor(node) 254 255 def generic_visit(self, node): /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_transformer.py in visit_FunctionDef(self, node) 627 628 # TODO: how do we parse recursive subfuncitons? --> 629 self.token.body = self.body_visit(node.body) 630 AllocateVisitor(self.variables).visit(self.token.body) 631 merged = {} /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_transformer.py in body_visit(self, stmts) 644 if "\nin body " not in (ex.args[0] if ex.args else ""): 645 from hope._tosource import tosource --> 646 ex.args = ((ex.args[0] if ex.args else "") + "\nin body " + tosource(stmt),) + ex.args[1:] 647 raise 648 for expr in self.exprs: /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_tosource.py in tosource(node, indent_with, add_line_information) 76 77 generator = SourceGenerator(indent_with, add_line_information) ---> 78 generator.visit(node) 79 80 return ''.join(generator.result) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/ast.py in visit(self, node) 251 method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__ 252 visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit) --> 253 return visitor(node) 254 255 def generic_visit(self, node): /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_tosource.py in visit_Assign(self, node) 172 self.visit(target) 173 self.write(' = ') --> 174 self.visit(node.value) 175 176 def visit_AugAssign(self, node): /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/ast.py in visit(self, node) 251 method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__ 252 visitor = getattr(self, method, self.generic_visit) --> 253 return visitor(node) 254 255 def generic_visit(self, node): /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_tosource.py in visit_Call(self, node) 439 self.write(keyword.arg + '=') 440 self.visit(keyword.value) --> 441 if node.starargs is not None: 442 write_comma() 443 self.write('*') AttributeError: 'Call' object has no attribute 'starargs'

Readme example:

Additionally, the standard sum example from the readme gives this error in 3.6.1 but works in 2.7:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () 4 def sums(x, y): 5 return x + y ----> 6 sums(x,y) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_wrapper.py in _hope_callback(*args) 69 70 def _hope_callback(*args): ---> 71 return self(*args) if self.cache is None else self.cache(*args) 72 self.callback = _hope_callback 73 setattr(cache, str(id(self.callback)), fkt) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_wrapper.py in __call__(self, *args) 102 fp.write(code) 103 --> 104 so_filename = _compile(tempfolder, localfilename, self.fkt.__name__) 105 106 self._store_state(tempfolder, localfilename) /Users/edouglas/anaconda/envs/astroconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hope/_wrapper.py in _compile(target, localfilename, fkt_name) 271 try: 272 #trying to encode utf-8 to support AstroPy --> 273 warnings.warn("A warning has been issued during compilation:\n{0}".format(out).encode('utf-8')) 274 except UnicodeError: 275 #encoding fails on Linux TypeError: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object
jakeret commented 6 years ago

Hope doesn't support python3.6 and is no longer officially supported. However, there is an incomplete PR that attempts to support the lastest python release: https://github.com/jakeret/hope/pull/56