jakeret / tf_unet

Generic U-Net Tensorflow implementation for image segmentation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Modified Loss Function #233

Open alifanta opened 5 years ago

alifanta commented 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your U-net implementation. I am using your code to segment the aortic lumen from CTA images. I've tried both cross entropy and dice losses, with bad results. I think that the reason is that the classes are highly unbalanced. I have implemented my own loss function to separately handle the class errors in this way:

elif cost_name == "my_cost": eps = 1e-5

Define error in aorta identification

            prediction = pixel_wise_softmax(logits)
            prediction = prediction[..., 1]
            gt_map = self.y[...,1]                
            AortaError = tf.reduce_sum(gt_map - tf.math.multiply(prediction,gt_map)) / (tf.reduce_sum(gt_map) + eps)
            # Define background error
            BGError = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.multiply(prediction, (1-gt_map))) / (tf.reduce_sum(1-gt_map) + eps)                
            # Use different weights                
            alpha = 0.5                 
            loss = (alpha*AortaError + (1 - alpha)*BGError)

I have used layers=4, features_root=64 and 400 iterations with batch_size = 6. After the first epoch I get this result, where the last colum show the output map with values > 0.7: epoch_0 The average loss after the first epoch is low (0.12). I think the network is segmenting the aorta without considering the contextual information but only the graylevels. Do you think the problem is in my loss function?

Thanks for your help,


daboe01 commented 4 years ago

@alifanta just curious, does this loss function work for you? https://github.com/xuuuuuuchen/Active-Contour-Loss/blob/master/Active-Contour-Loss.py