jakesgordon / javascript-state-machine

A javascript finite state machine library
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is it possible to add visualisation dot attribute(s) to nodes and not only to transitions ? #119

Open fchaverot opened 7 years ago

fchaverot commented 7 years ago

I would like to add this kind of dot output:

digraph "door" { rankdir=LR; "closed" [ style=filled, color = black, fillcolor=red ]; "open" [ style=filled, color = black, fillcolor=blue ]; "closed" -> "open" [ color="blue" ]; "open" -> "closed" [ color="red" ]; }

So in real time I will be able to change the color of the node according to the node state

I can do it also by postprocessing the dot output of the visualise() function, isn't it simpler ?

rickbsgu commented 6 years ago

I have suggested a way to do this: allow states to be defined before transitions (rather than as an adjunct to transitions.) That way, you could provide dot attributes to the state nodes.

It would also have a side benefit - transition definitions could check the provided 'to-from' states and insure they exist.

I'm working on a branch to do just this. Will issue a pull request when I'm done.

rickbsgu commented 6 years ago

Don't know if anyone is still following this, but I have a branch at https://github.com/rickbsgu/javascript-state-machine that does this.

Clone it and check out the 'statedefs' branch.

To use it, add a 'statedefs' array in the fsm definition, like so:

  statedefs: [
     { name: 'enter', dot: { fillcolor: 'green', shape:'rect' } },

'dot' defs are optional, but once you specify statedefs, all states must be defined in the array.

This triggers additional checks:

(Helps me...)

It also defines an overall dot style prefix for the entire chart. Makes it look a bit less ugly. You can override it with the 'dotPrefix' key. Look at the 'statedefs.js' test to see how to do that.


XCarle commented 5 years ago

@rickbsgu You may check the dot command line args as well. For example, you get a graph some graph to be displayed with a box shape dot -Nshape=box -Tpng some.dot > some.png