If you update bitwardening using the update-bitwarden.sh when there isn't an update available, it'll create new bitbetter images and because its using the same tags of the old images, the old images become untagged and there therefore not deleted.
Therefore you couldn't really run this on a nightly basis to update bitwarden because it would would create lots of untagged images over time.
/opt/bitbetter/update-bitwarden.sh /opt/bitwarden/ y y
bitbetter/identity 1.39.4 075dc7d956c8 About a minute ago 375MB
bitbetter/identity latest 075dc7d956c8 About a minute ago 375MB
bitbetter/api 1.39.4 706654fbbdda About a minute ago 378MB
bitbetter/api latest 706654fbbdda About a minute ago 378MB
<none> <none> 0a0f70579bda 5 minutes ago 375MB <-- should be deleted
<none> <none> a1ee97cb8a83 5 minutes ago 378MB <-- should be deleted
Hi Guys,
If you update bitwardening using the update-bitwarden.sh when there isn't an update available, it'll create new bitbetter images and because its using the same tags of the old images, the old images become untagged and there therefore not deleted.
Therefore you couldn't really run this on a nightly basis to update bitwarden because it would would create lots of untagged images over time.
/opt/bitbetter/update-bitwarden.sh /opt/bitwarden/ y y