Closed svenXY closed 1 year ago
Hi @svenXY. Are you using any non-default to-do symbols? If so, I'd like to take a look at your mkdnflow config to see if I can reproduce this. Thanks.
pretty default, except the complete symbol:
create_dirs = true,
perspective = {
priority = 'root',
fallback = 'current',
root_tell = '',
silent = false,
links = {
style = 'markdown',
name_is_source = false,
conceal = false,
context = 0,
implicit_extension = nil,
transform_implicit = false,
transform_explicit = function(text)
text = text:gsub(" ", "-")
text = text:lower()
text ='%Y-%m-%d_')..text
to_do = {
symbols = {' ', '.', '✓'},
update_parents = true,
not_started = ' ',
in_progress = '.',
complete = '✓'
@svenXY everything in your config looks fine, so I think it may be an issue with the lua-utf8 installation (or with mkdnflow finding it). Can you run the following in nvim and let me know what the output is?
:lua print(require('mkdnflow').utils.moduleAvailable('lua-utf8'))
The answer is true
Interesting, so the module is definitely installed and should be accessible to mkdnflow. What OS are you on?
macOS ventura. Afaicr I copied the symbol from the symbols and special characters app (I think it is called "character viewer")
✔︎ HEAVY CHECK MARK Unicode: U+2714 U+FE0E, UTF-8: E2 9C 94 EF B8 8E
I think it is
update it wasn't the heavy check mark from above, but by copying this check mark from this github issue, I was able to reproduce the problem
Interesting, thanks for the update @svenXY. I'm going to go ahead and close this, as I still can't reproduce this even by copying the symbol from this issue, and it seems like this might be resolved for you now. I suppose this this had something to do with how the symbol copied to the clipboard from the macOS app.
I have
in my packer configuration and it also claims to have it installed, but whenever opening a file, I get this warning message.