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GHSL-2021-1046: Security contact needed #213

Open agustingianni opened 2 years ago

agustingianni commented 2 years ago


The GitHub Security Lab team has found a potential vulnerability in your project. Please create a Security Advisory and invite me in to further disclose and discuss the vulnerability details and potential fix. Alternatively, please add a Security Policy containing a security email address to send the details to.

If you prefer to contact us by email, please reach out to securitylab@github.com with reference to GHSL-2021-1046.

Thank you,
@agustingianni GitHub Security Lab

agustingianni commented 2 years ago

The GitHub Security Lab reported a potential security vulnerability (GHSL-2021-1046) in your project on 2021-11-24. It has been 183 days since our initial report and as per our coordinated disclosure policy, we intend to publish a public advisory detailing this issue. If you do wish to further coordinate a response to this issue with the GitHub Security Lab, please contact us at securitylab@github.com within the next 7 days in reference to GHSL-2021-1046 and we would love to help you resolve these issues. If not, feel free to close this issue after which we will proceed with advisory publication.

dmjohnsson23 commented 9 months ago

Can the security advisory be posted here, for the benefit of anyone who might consider using and/or resurrecting this admittedly very dead-looking project? This repository doesn't appear to have been touched in years, but there is a simplicity to it that actually feels compelling compared to other options out there, so I am curious to explore that option.