jakji93 / airon-fitness

AIRON Fitness is an AI-powered fitness companion supporting your personal health journey by delivering customized fitness and meal plans tailored to your goals and preferences.
MIT License
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Scrum 1 #3

Open d-x-s opened 1 year ago

d-x-s commented 1 year ago

Comment your scrum reports below. https://blogs.ubc.ca/cpsc4552023s/assessment-rubrics/#sec-2

Scrum Report Steps

Post a comment in this issue with:

  1. Your Name
  2. Answer these 3 questions
    1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
    2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
    3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
  3. Ensure answers are 5 sentences MAX

Grading Rubric:

2: Includes all 3 points. Demonstrates a bit of meaningful reflection on at least one item in the report.

1: Simplistic, or no meaningful, specific information.

0: Missing or Late.

kennyjhcheng commented 1 year ago

Scrum Report for Kenny Cheng (i4z2b)

  1. I worked with the team brainstorming requirements, project ideas and designed a low fidelity Figma prototype describing the core task of requesting a fitness plan with the layout of our home page.
  2. There were no major challenges this sprint.
  3. I will bootstrap our project with MUI, React Router, and finding a suitable ESLint style guide. I will work on front end components for updating and adding info to user profiles. I will be brainstorming what kind of data is needed as "additional profile information" as well as implementing the form components for this data.
kevin-wu01 commented 1 year ago

Scrum Report for Kevin Wu (v4b3b)

  1. I helped with brainstorming the project idea together with my other teammates and designing the low-fi Figma prototype for editting a user profile.
  2. None at this time.
  3. I plan on helping refine the Figma prototypes for creating and editing a user profile, then start developing frontend components for creating a user. If I have additional time available and made strong progress with the previous items I'll investigate the backend requirements for creating a user (APIs and DB).
jakji93 commented 1 year ago

Scrum Report for Jack Ji (n9l8)

  1. Assist in brainstorm project requirements. Break down of basic requirement for Schedule Request
  2. None so far
  3. Investigate API calls to ChatGPT, investigate prompt to generate schedule, start creating frontend components for Schedule page
ckev07 commented 1 year ago

Scrum Report for Kevin Chung

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?

    • Contributed to the development of the project idea and the project task requirements, and also completed the breakdown of a minimal requirement (Create Profile).
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?

    • None at the moment.
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?

    • Dig deeper into the aforementioned requirement (Create Profile) - fetch/upload profile image, birthdate entry - and implement feature for deletion of the account.
d-x-s commented 1 year ago

Scrum Report for Davis Song

  1. Jira setup for documentation and process, creating and configuring Git repository, and prototyping profile creation in Figma.
  2. None at the moment.
  3. Frontend project setup, including initial DOM structure as was prototyped in Figma. Initial dashboard, navigation bar, and profile creation components are part of the plan for this sprint.