jakkra / ZSWatch

ZSWatch - the Open Source Zephyrâ„¢ based Smartwatch, including both HW and FW.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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sdl native posix upscaling #206

Closed elmo2k3 closed 3 months ago

elmo2k3 commented 6 months ago


in your talk you mentioned that you modified display_sdl.c to upscale the sdl output. I tried to place SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(*renderer,600,600) to different places also in display_sdl_bottom.c but without success. Could you give me a hint?

Cheers Bjoern

jakkra commented 6 months ago

I removed my patch a while ago as stuff in Zephyr was moved around so it wouldn't apply. But in latest Zephyr on main it's actually implemented now. But ncs is not using that version yet. So you can probably find the commit upstream and cherry pick it.

elmo2k3 commented 6 months ago

Found it, thanks!! Nice and simple display_zoom_pct option.

jakkra commented 6 months ago

Nice! If it applies to ZSWatch Zephyr version, feel free to add it here and do a PR https://github.com/jakkra/ZSWatch/tree/main/app/patches

jakkra commented 3 months ago

Merged and fixed