jakkra / ZSWatch

ZSWatch - the Open Source Zephyrâ„¢ based Smartwatch, including both HW and FW.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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magnetic dock connector #286

Closed schotter closed 1 month ago

schotter commented 1 month ago

Hi, are you using EDAC's POGO+?

jakkra commented 1 month ago

Nope, it's custom. Or a low profile pin header as alternative. I have searched everywhere to find a low profile magnetic connector with 5 connections, but impossible. If you know one I'll happily change :)

schotter commented 1 month ago

I saw this post months ago and your mechanism reminded me of it. There exist 5 pin versions of those POGOs but the minimum quantity is 100 (digikey and mouser). By chance I stumbled upon connectors from Mill Max, but I have no experience with those... So just for your inspiration ;)

jakkra commented 1 month ago

I saw this post months ago and your mechanism reminded me of it. There exist 5 pin versions of those POGOs but the minimum quantity is 100 (digikey and mouser). By chance I stumbled upon connectors from Mill Max, but I have no experience with those... So just for your inspiration ;)

Thanks, will take a look, maybe something new came in last year, was last summer I searched all internet for one. Often issue wa they where too thick, want them thin so they don't add too much thickness to the watch.