jakob / Postico

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Autosuggest table name for foreign key #402

Open diffen opened 7 years ago

diffen commented 7 years ago

In the table structure view, when adding a new constraint for foreign key, Postico should be able to make an intelligent guess based on table and column name.

e.g. you're editing a table structure for the orders table and adding a new foreign key constraint on a column called customer_id. The database already has a table called customers or customer with an id field that matches the data type of the current column (customer_id). So Postico should be able to connect the dots and the pop-up/modal for adding the foreign key constraint can easily default to the "Referenced Table" being customers.

It's probably very easy to implement and would be a nice feature to have.

jakob commented 7 years ago

That's a good idea for a feature, but I'm not sure how trivial it is to implement -- at the very least, I'd need to support the most important singular/plural inflections for English (eg. person -> people). It would probably be a good idea to port the Inflector from Ruby on Rails, since those are the rules that a lot of people use.

Anyway, before I start working on this feature, it would be nice if people could send me sample data, so I can see what kind of names are used in real world applications. To do so, simply execute the following query:

  conrelid::regclass as table,
  ARRAY(select (SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute where attrelid=conrelid and attnum=i) from unnest(conkey) as key(i) ) as key,
  confrelid::regclass as foreign_table,
  ARRAY(select (SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute where attrelid=confrelid and attnum=i) from unnest(confkey) as key(i) ) as foreign_key
from pg_constraint
where confrelid > 0

On one of my databases, this has the following output:

table key foreign_table foreign_key
comments {monument_id} monuments {id}
monuments {ancient_finding_place_id} ancient_places {id}
monuments {archaeology_author_id} authors {id}
monuments {architecture_author_id} authors {id}
monuments {conservation_place_id} places {id}
monuments {epigraphy_author_id} authors {id}
monuments {finding_place_id} places {id}
monuments {museum_id} museums {id}
monuments {regional_info_id} regional_info {id}
monuments {parent_monument_id} monuments {id}
pages {photo_id} photos {id}
photos {author_id} authors {id}
photos {copyright_id} copyrights {id}
photos {monument_id} monuments {id}
photos {regional_info_id} regional_info {id}

As you can see, a simple heuristic wouldn't always work. It would be awesome if a lot of people could send me the results of the above query (either formatted as a table like above, or attach a csv file to this issue). Then I could evaluate potential solutions with real world data.

diffen commented 7 years ago

Sent you a CSV file via email.

Good idea to collect some data to estimate the accuracy of a simple heuristic. My guess is it will work half the time, which is still great. It doesn't have to work all the time.

You will save a couple of seconds for the user every time there is a match. It's a nice-to-have; so no point in over-engineering it.