jakob / Postico

Public issue tracking for Postico
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Display features on map #525

Open mclaeysb opened 6 years ago

mclaeysb commented 6 years ago

For those who use Postico with on a Postgres database with the PostGIS extension to manage spatial data, it would be great to have an optional view pane displaying the tables or query results on a map. Lukas Martinelli's postgis-editor already does this, but integration in Postico would be super useful!

mclaeysb commented 5 years ago

Just found out there was some talk about displaying geometries on a map in #92, including another example where this was implemented before. Hope maps will find there way to Postico one day. Would make this awesome app level up even more!

hampelm commented 4 years ago

With MapKit generally available, it would be amazing to see this feature in Postico. DBeaver has a similar feature but it's so not a Mac app.