jakob / Postico

Public issue tracking for Postico
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Preserve layout of SQL editor between connections #791

Open brewingcode opened 2 years ago

brewingcode commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to preserve the position of the horizontal divider in the query editor between connections? I always drag the divider to show more of the query text, rather than the results, but every time I close the window for a connection (or restart Postico), the query editor re-opens with the default layout, and I have to re-drag the divider every time.



  1. Open a connection to any database from the initial favorites menu
  2. ⌘⇧T to open query editor
  3. Drag the horizontal divider between the upper query text and the lower query results
  4. ⌘w to close the current connection (or restart Postico)
  5. Open the same connection again
  6. ⌘⇧T to open query editor
  7. The horizontal divider has reset to default
jakob commented 2 years ago

We've recently fixed this issue in Postico 2, but we should probably fix it in 1.5 as well.

brewingcode commented 2 years ago

I didn't even know Postico 2 was a thing, but I just grabbed it, and this is indeed fixed!

...and it has sql formatting built-in ...and support for FUNCTIONS holy crap

I am so sold. Thanks!