jakobhellermann / bevy-inspector-egui

Inspector plugin for the bevy game engine
Apache License 2.0
1.1k stars 164 forks source link

Running egui_dock.rs example failed. #195

Open gloridifice opened 2 months ago

gloridifice commented 2 months ago
Caused by:
    In a RenderPass
      note: encoder = `main_opaque_pass_3d_command_encoder`
    In a set_viewport command
    Viewport has invalid rect Rect { x: 1501.0, y: 48.0, w: 5998.0, h: 7951.0 }; origin and/or size is less than or equal to 0, and/or is not contained in the render target (2560, 1440, 1)

Log: https://gist.github.com/gloridifice/088ce7de2c1502ccf86dd8bd9691b0c4

SuddenlyHazel commented 2 months ago

Seeing this happen as well. I'm not exactly sure the root cause. But, my best guess as of now is that


is producing some absurd size on the first call. I'm not familiar enough with the codebase to provide more thoughts 🤔 .

If you modify you code as follows it'll at least get you working again:

if viewport_size.x > window.resolution.physical_width() as f32
    || viewport_size.y > window.resolution.physical_height() as f32

cam.viewport = Some(bevy::render::camera::Viewport {
    physical_position: UVec2::new(viewport_pos.x as u32, viewport_pos.y as u32),
    physical_size: UVec2::new( viewport_size.x as u32,  viewport_size.y as u32),
    depth: 0.0..1.0,