jakobkroeker / FiniteFieldExperiments.M2

A simple Macaulay2-Framework for finite field experiments
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later: derive InterpolatedIdeal Type object directly from Ideal instead from a HashTable #170

Open jakobkroeker opened 7 years ago

jakobkroeker commented 7 years ago

reason : InterpolatedIdeal has new properties (witness, maxDegree). Thus we have to check if installed methods

#(methods Ideal)

work correctly with the new type and if not, disable them for InterpolatedIdeals or implement a correct version.

the construction would look like

 result := new HashTable from {
       (symbol generators)=>I.generators,
       (symbol ring)=>I.ring,
       (symbol cache)=>I.cache,
        "ideal" => I,        
        "maxDegree" => maxDegree,
        "witness" => witness,
        "description" => description,
    result = newClass(InterpolatedIdeal, result);
    return result;

where I is the bare ideal