jakobkroeker / jk_test_sage

manage a personal list of observed sage issues
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continue work from https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/17797 #37

Open jakobkroeker opened 8 years ago

jakobkroeker commented 8 years ago

add todo if bug leads to incorrect result

also interesting is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GF_-hM-3DP0YcViieBWIhsign3JHegTlj32cs8ymPZE/pub

jakobkroeker commented 8 years ago

relates to Singulars behaviour in quotient rings: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13999

naming conflicts: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14972

not sure about https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13321 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13655 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13758 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14012 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14069 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14125 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14274 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14277 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14590 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14735 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14736 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14738 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14889 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15114 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15153

-will be fixed in the next time https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13651 # is on todo list for sage days 71 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13659 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15276 # stopgap deleted by vdelecroix

-needs rebase / conflict resolution https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13814 # https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15303

do not understand the issue: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13707 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13776

there is already a related ticket https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13718 # 11493

ask if this one is fixed ?

https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/13695 # example not allowed any more

jakobkroeker commented 8 years ago

list backup:

2617 solve() can return undefined points as "solutions" todo new was major sage-6.4

3745 calculus -- bugs in solve todo new gfurnish major sage-6.4

4656 [with patch, needs work] power series with zero p-adic coefficients todo needs_work was minor sage-6.4

4738 base_ring of orders in relative number fields is wrong todo needs_info davidloeffler major sage-6.4

4942 find_root() is broken when interval borders cannot be evaluated #12709 new mhansen critical sage-6.4

5075 Polynomials over inexact rings should not truncate inexact leading zeroes todo new roed major sage-6.4

5415 problems with multifactorial? todo needs_work major sage-6.10

5544 multipolynomial call not consistent todo new tbd major sage-6.4

5583 coercion bug in perm groups todo new joyner major sage-6.4

5667 matrix modified when operation should be rolled back todo new was major sage-6.4

6072 [with patch, needs work] Boundary space for GammaH fails to identify vanishing classes todo needs_work craigcitro minor sage-6.4

6116 error in real literal -> RIF conversion todo needs_info somebody major sage-duplicate/invalid/wontfix

6392 modular abelian quotient -- something goes wrong todo new craigcitro major sage-6.4

6472 ideal.groebner_basis gives incorrect answers todo new tbd major sage-6.4

6480 .subs_expr() method doesn't work for argument of D derivative operator todo new major

6923 Matrix numerical approximation converts complex to real todo new tbd major sage-7.3

7837 modular symbols -- change boundary space B_k when k odd to have the right dimension todo new craigcitro minor sage-6.4

8111 gcd of rationals is trouble todo new AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

8586 Integer overflow in vector_space_dimension() todo new malb major sage-6.4

8622 Atkin-Lehner operators don't work for odd weight modular forms todo new craigcitro major

8693 QuadraticForm.basis_of_short_vectors may not return an actual ZZ-basis todo new justin major sage-6.9

8862 solve misses some solutions in a certain nonlinear system #12730 new burcin major sage-6.4

8945 Cremona labels messed up todo new craigcitro major sage-6.4

9183 creating an expect element can modify a previously created expect element todo new was major sage-6.4

9677 Sage Sets don't implement genuine comparison todo needs_work AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

10017 reduced_basis for number field multiples wrong todo new davidloeffler major sage-6.4

10084 Lazy power series are created with incorrect order todo needs_work sage-combinat major sage-6.4

10086 Coercion works incorrectly for power series over power series todo new sage-combinat major sage-6.4

10087 bug with fast_float, imag and sqrt : NotANumber isn't fine. todo new burcin major

10161 AlgebraicNumber comparisons wrong/fail todo new was major

10575 coercing multivariate poly's with repeated variable name shouldn't be allowed in some cases todo new malb major sage-6.4

10698 error in padic power series construction todo new roed major

10758 FFT.setitem assumes values are uninitialized todo new jason, jkantor minor

11126 Fix category of Symbolic Ring todo needs_work burcin major sage-6.6

11164 Integral of sin(x)/x gives false result. todo needs_info burcin major

11394 Scheme.is_projective() should use mathematical definition todo new AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

11493 two different results with same numeric integral #12732 new burcin major sage-6.4

11516 zeta in modular integer ring is primitive todo new was major sage-6.4

11537 units in polynomial rings with prime power characteristic todo new AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

11579 Free module equality, comparisons todo new jason, was major sage-6.4

11590 Integrating the sgn() function can produce incorrect results #12731 new burcin major

11612 Bug in NTL wrapper when computing LLL -- 5x5 matrix with 0 rows and 0 columns todo new was major sage-6.4

12073 MatrixGroup() or order() incorrect for G_2(F_3) todo new joyner major sage-6.4

12123 Bug in convolution in old Piecewise todo new burcin minor sage-7.3

12129 MPolynomial_libsingular.is_squarefree fails with linear factors todo new AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

12179 Binomial of integer (mod n) returns integer todo needs_work AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

12198 is_squarefree() over multivariate rings does not work todo new AlexGhitza critical sage-6.4

12236 random element madness todo new AlexGhitza minor sage-6.4

12242 Divisibility of number field order elements needs work todo new davidloeffler minor sage-6.4

12254 cmp for torsion subgroups of elliptic curves is too weak. todo new cremona minor sage-6.4

12287 numpy array to matrix does not respect ring spesification todo new jason, was minor sage-6.4

12529 libsingular reduces polynomials incompletely todo new malb critical sage-6.4

12589 series yields wrong result todo new burcin major sage-7.0

12595 eigenmatrix of complex floating-point matrix is wrong todo new jason, was major sage-6.4

12683 Inappropriate comparison of method todo new AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

12803 quotient of ideals throws up Singular bug #17679 new malb major sage-6.4

13179 Compare matrices consistently for different base rings todo new jason, was major sage-6.4

13345 Test if the assumptions made by quotient rings are fulfilled todo needs_info AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

13439 xgcd incorrect for padic polynomials #13537 new roed minor sage-6.4

13744 Bug in modular_decomposition #14173 needs_work jason, ncohen, rlm major sage-6.7

13999 Ideal membership for univariate polynomial wrongAnswerMarker new AlexGhitza major sage-6.4

14367 RuntimeError: There is a bug in the coercion code in Sage (number field to padic) wrongAnswerMarker new robertwb major sage-6.4

14425 Incorrect/inconsistent treatment of inexact zeroes in coefficients of power series wrongAnswerMarker new roed major sage-6.4

14591 cosh integral incorrect because of abs_integrate #12731 new burcin major sage-6.4

14628 Zero solution does not result in zero wrongAnswerMarker new burcin major sage-6.4

14685 error in the computing of the approximate order in LazyPowerSeries wrongAnswerMarker needs_work sage-combinat major sage-6.6

14708 Graph constructor forgets vertex labels wrongAnswerMarker new jason, ncohen, rlm major sage-6.4

14885 Very nonstandard convention used in multiplying permutations #15174 new sage-combinat critical sage-6.4

14999 subgraph_search does not like labeled edges wrongAnswerMarker new major sage-6.4

15060 The empty graph once again inconsistencyIssue new major sage-6.4

15067 derivative(constant vector, x) returns the scalar 0 incorrectAnswerMarker new major sage-6.4

15077 Inconsistency in polynomial .reverse(n) inconsistentAnswer new minor sage-6.4

15196 Use mpmath for numerical evaluation of the beta function incorrectAnswer new major sage-6.4

15249 In lazy power series rings, 0 + a and 0 - a return 0 incorrectAnswerMarker new major sage-6.4

15496 Incorrect result for divergent integral todo new major sage-6.4

15497 Make lcm() symbolic todo new major sage-6.4

17183 Yet another abs_integrate trig integral problem #12731 new major sage-6.4

17511 Get integral of abs(sin(x)) and abs(cos(x)) right #12731 new major sage-6.5

17676 bug in Singulars groebner basis computation over integers #17677 new major sage-6.5

17680 bug in Singulars factorize() #17681 new minor sage-6.5

17696 bug in polynomial interface to Singular (in special rings) todo new major sage-6.5

17700 wrong symbolic results in case the answer is not known todo new critical sage-6.8

17720 failing primary decomposition with extension field coefficients todo new major sage-6.5

17721 variable shadowing: major design flaw in Singular todo new major sage-6.5

18192 _sage_getargspec_cython fails to parse -Infinity #19100 new major sage-6.6

20493 Rank of random matrices over GF(2) is bounded (again) todo new major sage-7.2

jakobkroeker commented 7 years ago

not sure what todo about this one https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15341

related to bool issue https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15411