jakobwilm / slstudio

SLStudio -- Real Time Structured Light. A comprehensive software suite for capturing and reconstructing 3D scenes with a camera-projector pair.
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Guide on how to compile? #58

Closed gamerpaddy closed 1 year ago

gamerpaddy commented 1 year ago

Without being a lvl 9000+ Nerd on linux, how do you even compile and run it? or on windows?

AaronLK commented 1 year ago

It does seem to compile pretty easily on Ubuntu 22:

sudo apt-get install libpcl-dev libopencv-dev libvtk9-qt-dev libglew-dev freeglut3-dev qtcreator libusb-1.0-0-dev qmake6 libxrandr-dev
git clone git@github.com:jakobwilm/slstudio.git
cd slstudio
mkdir qmake_build
cd qmake_build
qmake -makefile -o Makefile ../src/SLStudio.pro
CWB1999 commented 1 year ago

I also want to ask how to compile and run the project in the Windows system. I opened the project with QT creator 4.11 and met an error like the following: Error while building/deploying project SLStudio (kit: Desktop Qt 5.14.2 MSVC2017 64bit) The kit Desktop Qt 5.14.2 MSVC2017 64bit has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem.

jakobwilm commented 1 year ago

Hello. Unfortunately, building on Windows requires good knowledge of the toolchain and compilers. We might add automated builds in the future.

757dyar commented 1 year ago

Dear Mr. Wilm, Thank you very much for your work. Im working on an project which would really benifit from your codes.

I am using WSL2 (latest version) with ubuntu 22.04. Mircosoft says that it can open open different linux apps such as chrome-linux, VLC-linux.

I followed the cmake procedures stated by Aaron in above comments. My application was successfully made, but when open it it turns into a dark screen.

Do you have any idea on why that happens? Thank you very much again!

