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Closed jakubadamw closed 1 year ago

jakubadamw commented 1 year ago



github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago
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[info] Writing video subtitles to: Как Минобороны врет о победах в Украине [X__h7eBueAY].en.ttml
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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago
a special
military operation in Ukraine has been going on for four months, while since the
end of March the Russian army has not
shown much success, but
continues to destroy
dozens and now hundreds of military
facilities every day,
how they manage to do this, perhaps the whole thing is in the
special arithmetic of the press secretary of the
Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov and the substance
youth armed  gangs of marauders
robbers nationalists nationalists
Ukrainian nationalist from more than 90
nationalist Bandera cars photo of
Lena Ukrainian Nazis groups of
notorious nationalists swimming trunks and lawsuits
rationalistic regime rental of mobiles and
militants all of them will be destroyed we
looked at all the morning and afternoon and
evening briefings of the Ministry of Defense from the first
day of the war and noticed a blunder  its inconsistencies in
numbers occur almost daily, one
gets the feeling that the successes of the Russians
and Ukraine are contrary to the laws of
statistics and common sense.

the beginning of the military 10th of Russia ends exactly according to Orwell, war is peace, freedom is slavery, not knowledge, strength, and in general, Russians are fighting with the armed forces of Ukraine, but with nationalists and foreign mercenaries, and the military personnel are being created captive without fighting him in the event of the armed forces of Ukraine massively leaving their position abandoning the armament, the positions of the units stuck out those who laid down their arms were not hit after a week, the Ministry of Defense abandons the legend of good and bad Ukrainians and since the beginning of March, Konashenkov calls everyone with whom the Russian army is fighting in Ukraine nationalists, militants and Nazis, these words are used by the press secretary of the Ministry of Defense in almost the same way often as military personnel in the sum of the Ukrainian army, Ukrainian troops of nationalists, he even found in the synagogue, but on March 21, photographs recorded the formation of two columns with nationalists on the territory of the synagogue, so the object of the Jewish cult they are deliberately used by the Kyiv nationalists 

alistic regime for military purposes, although government officials have not visited contradictions on this issue for a long time, if I remember correctly, I’m afraid to make a mistake, but in my opinion Hitler was also Jewish blood, all the inconsistencies of the Ministry of Defense smooth out newspeak instead of the word occupied konashenkos use ideologically correctly and take control instead of shelling peaceful cities the Russian army is blockading chernigov, kherson and volnovakh, however, all this is not new, the term used to cover up the fierce battles on the streets has been known since the chechen wars for the citizens of russia, the inhabitants of chechnya, to stop jeeves collapse, stop being afraid of the night knock on the day and hide from the so-called cleansing, the new one saves from defeat never once during a briefing in Konashenkov did he report on the retreats of Russian troops, even at the end of March, when the troops were leaving, he said to Kyiv there and Chernigov there in the directions there is a planned regrouping elk all this latest terminology at some point became  after all, despite the
problems, it was necessary to talk about the
successes of the Russian army, then the military began to take control of the same points many times over by bushes of the
representative of the Ministry of Defense,

see for yourself on March 2,
Konashenkov announced a successful
offensive in the Lugansk region, the
city of flint was captured, control was established over
Krasny estuary Tarskaya priminay March 7 troops
continue to advance captured
wait a minute again the criminal grouping of
troops of the Lugansk people's republic
continue offensive operations took
control of settlements with
crimson conclusions as temporary curly
took control of settlements bar
sonnen priminaem
moved forward 5 kilometers and
are leading  a fight with nationalists on the outskirts
of the village flint
blocked the northern outskirts of the village
criminal you can exhale
flint ours but no On April 17, the
Russian army destroyed 40 areas where

Ukrainian military equipment was concentrated  and
personnel in settlements crime and
finally on April 21 the city was taken by a
unit of the Russian armed forces of the
people's militia of the Lugansk Republic
took complete control of the
settlement names and but the most interesting thing in the
briefings the numbers are sometimes not so
contradictory that the question arises
Konashenkov has problems with mathematics or
statistics  losses are frankly drawn
now, you will see for yourself in this
guy and complex examples of the level of the
destroyed 314 tanks and other
armored combat vehicles 57 multiple
launch rocket systems
122 field artillery guns and
274 units of special nrk mobility
this is a briefing on the morning of February 28 and now the
evening of that  on the same day, 311 tanks
and other armored combat vehicles were destroyed 42
aircraft and helicopters, including on the
51 multiple launch rocket systems 147
field artillery guns and mortars
260 units a special military
vehicle of these it is interesting where
three tanks disappeared at once 6 jet
volley fire systems and 11 pieces of special equipment
with artillery and even
stranger things are happening on April 16 Konashenkov
reports the first operation
987 field artillery pieces and
mortars were destroyed the next night the Russian
army defeated 111
artillery firing positions sounds impressive
you know how many guns were destroyed in total the
first special operation
destroyed 992 field artillery guns
and mortars how is it possible
during the day the Russians defeated three more
artillery batteries and the next
day I bombed 22 whiskey batteries
usually a battery is several guns but
even if the Ukrainians
had only one barrel on each battery how much
should be correct  sciences
mashinkov again, everything is wrong at first,
during a special operation
, four thousand field artillery guns were destroyed by

it turned out that the Ministry of Defense can do just as well,
but in a war it would not be funny at all.

March, a
month after the start of the war, the General Staff
report already on the complete destruction of the
Ukrainian air force and
navy, up to seventy
percent of all stocks of military equipment
, materiel and fuel.
Currently, the
Ukrainian air force is almost completely destroyed and
the air defense system
ceased to exist the
country's naval forces
wait but who then does russia
continue to fight for the next two months
russia continues and in some
amazing way destroys even something
that never existed landing the
ministry of defense in 100 days of the war the
russian army destroyed more aircraft
than ukraine ever had everything
at first the behavior of the special operation is
negligible 180 aircraft, but according to the
site fight global, there were only 98 military 35 transport and 5 special forces aircraft in the location of the
Ukrainian aviation, the

numbers again do not converge,
meanwhile, Russia according
to konashenkov lost only  one
aircraft and even the very first day of the war
of the aerospace forces of russia as a result of an
error in the piloting technique crashed the
su-25 attack aircraft the pilot
ejected safely and is already
in position
with turkish military

drones  and once she even bombed
entire hangars with brigades, but according to open
data from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, before the war, the
army bought 62 bayraktars, and Lithuanian
citizens chipped in for one bayraktar,

how can this be explained? Perhaps the whole point is
that the Russian military is moving from
place to place the wreckage of one and  moreover  the same
bayraktar and photograph them posing
as different or the military simply attribute
the destroyed equipment to themselves in order to receive
an award
mid-April, according to the statistics of the
Ministry of Defense,
even more amazing things began to happen at the beginning of the
war when the Russian army attacked and
captured new cities and villages, it
destroyed dozens of military facilities in
day and there were no dead wounded
, but since April 13, when the movement
forward practically stopped, the
Russian army daily
destroys hundreds of military facilities, accumulations of
manpower and equipment as a result of strikes
, up to 200 nationalists were destroyed more than
300 nationalists more than 400
nationalists more than 600
nationalists according to Konashenkov  the first hundred
days of the war, the Ukrainian army
lost more than 40 thousand people killed, such a
figure turns out if you add up all the
reports of plausibility and raises
doubts, because in addition to the dead, there should also
be wounded, which in the statistics of
military conflicts is usually two or three
times more than those killed, and it turns out that
in 100 days of the war, 120,160 thousand Ukrainians could be out of action,
which is
up to 80 percent of the size of the Ukrainian
army, and in another 100 days of the war, Russia
destroyed 39,000 areas of
accumulation of manpower and equipment in Ukraine
operational-tactical aviation
33 military facilities of
Ukraine were hit from Russia, including 23 areas of
concentration of enemy military
equipment with manpower, four areas of
concentration of manpower, 90 areas were hit, and
areas of sharpening of manpower, as well as
55 places of erasing of turning of manpower, and you are on
enemy equipment, what does the Ministry of Defense
mean by this  the term is not entirely
clear, but there is one curious detail
if we divide the number of all killed
nationalists by the number of areas where
equipment was accumulated, it turns out that
one Ukrainian soldier accumulated in the clusters
with amazing losses of the Ukrainian
army, Russian soldiers seemed to have
stopped dying.

March 25  and since then it has been silent about this, unfortunately
khuri special war operations there are
losses among our comrades
but today one thousand three hundred
and fifty one servicemen
were killed 3825 were wounded but this simply
cannot be according to the media zone the
Russian army by mid-June
lost almost three killed  thousands of 800
soldiers and officers are just the names
that were publicly announced,
including in the state media, the real
numbers can be much higher, as well as the
number of losses of military equipment
from Konashenkov’s reports, we don’t recognize it, the
counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army near
Kherson, not about the death of the Moscow cruiser, not
about the destroyed crossing  on the Seversky
Donets, you will not hear about the Kiev
suburb of Bucha, where, after the retreat of the
Russian military, dozens of
corpses of civilians were found
on June 7, apparently for the talent for special
propaganda mathematics, Aquarius konoshenko, the
rank of lieutenant general, a
special honor for a person who has worked all his
life in drying looks
especially qini  Of course, if you know that
Konashenkov’s Ukraine is not a stranger, he studied at the military
school of the token, we will continue to
regularly bring information about the exploits
and heroism of the Russian manas ray
Russian military personnel of the
Russian army honorably performs the
task, it eliminates the real threat to
Russia, which until recently emanated from the
territories of Ukraine, the
territory on  which, contrary to the will of the
Ukrainian people
, NATO bases were to appear in the near future;
nuclear weapons; delivery