jakubg1 / OpenSMCE

Game engine which allows creating a broad range of marble popper games.
MIT License
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Make a sphere groups and launcher color constant in certain maps #130

Open TRRESTGHGYTCFTGBCXSZD opened 4 months ago

TRRESTGHGYTCFTGBCXSZD commented 4 months ago

In Puzz Loop 2, Every time you start the game, the sphere groups are same. it uses the list to spawn the spheres, and there aren't any randomization involved to change ball spawning.

For Example:


jakubg1 commented 3 months ago

Good idea, I've had this one on my mind for quite a while. Will look into this at some point.

jakubg1 commented 1 week ago

Partially implemented in https://github.com/jakubg1/OpenSMCE/commit/98c46dd1db4f89d9bb92c77c5d26653fbc432a45, only in Sphere Chains, and not yet in Color Generators for Shooters.