jakubkinst / Android-ViewModelBinding

A lightweight library aiming to speed up Android app development by leveraging the new Android Data Binding together with the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern.
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Provide API for making navigation via ViewInterface #12

Open mykola-dev opened 8 years ago

mykola-dev commented 8 years ago

Hi Jakub! After some research of your lib, i realized that navigation between screens is not very handy when it done from viewModel (especially when navigation step contains transitions/animations, better to leave this stuff inside activity/fragment). It would be nice to have ability to navigate via ViewInterface. Something like ViewInterface.navigate(params). And then implement navigate method in the Activity/Fragment/Dialog etc. Please take a look on this proof of concept https://github.com/deviant-studio/Android-ViewModelBinding/commit/79e66dfb9632bf1dcc80d92d6bfd4dcb59888da8 Is it worth of pull request?