jakubplichta / git-changelog-maven-plugin

Apache License 2.0
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improved changelog file #16

Open KaiSchwarz-cnic opened 6 years ago

KaiSchwarz-cnic commented 6 years ago

We use the following plugin version/configuration:


and here the release plugin version/configuration:

            <preparationGoals>clean git-changelog:git-changelog scm:checkin -DpushChanges=false -Dincludes=HISTORY.md -Dmessage="[maven-release-plugin] Update HISTORY.md" verify</preparationGoals>
            <completionGoals>git-changelog:git-changelog scm:checkin -DpushChanges=false -Dincludes=HISTORY.md -Dmessage="[maven-release-plugin] Update HISTORY.md"</completionGoals>

FYI: We use the nexus-staging-maven-plugin to publish versions on OSSRH.

Finally there are two potential issues I see a) the changelog is also generated for SNAPSHOT release. That's a matter of taste, but as SNAPSHOT releases are not part of the github tags it doesn't make a lot sense. that version doesn't exist then on github. /UPDATE: we always see the x.y.z-SNAPSHOT release at top, which is wrong as the last version was definitely x.y.z and not x.y.z-SNAPSHOT. b) We highly request a possibility to generate a complete changelog covering ALL release versions

Compare the below changelog files

The plugin used by the nodejs SDK to generate the changelog, does it really well. maybe worth to have a look at. Especially the linked versions are super useful.

Any help welcome! Thanks so much!

KaiSchwarz-cnic commented 6 years ago

in the meanwhile, I've replaced your plugin with executing the nodejs changelog generator through exec-maven-plugin which worked fine, but personally I would prefer getting things working with your plugin.