jakubsuchy / amazon-alexa-php

Amazon Alexa PHP Library
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Argument Error #9

Open slowflyer opened 6 years ago

slowflyer commented 6 years ago

Tried to use the library together with Alexa mdul for Drupal and receive the following error:

ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Alexa\Request\Request::__construct(), 1 passed in /mnt/web/osocial/vendor/jakubsuchy/amazon-alexa-php/src/Request/IntentRequest.php on line 10 and exactly 2 expected in Alexa\Request\Request->__construct() (line 26 of /mnt/web/osocial/vendor/jakubsuchy/amazon-alexa-php/src/Request/Request.php) #0

Is it the library or Drupal code that needs to be fixed?

chris-hamper commented 6 years ago

This issue would be fixed by #10

chris-hamper commented 6 years ago

@slowflyer Until the 0.1.7 release is made, using the master branch will work around the problem you describe