jalberse / shimmer

Physically based rendering in Rust
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Remove runtime cost of Lazy() calls with alternative pattern #34

Closed jalberse closed 4 months ago

jalberse commented 8 months ago

There's a few places, namely in colorspace and spectra conversions, where Lazy is used to read and initialize large data tables. But, each call to access that data during runtime incurs a check on if that data is initialized.

I had tried to use const functions to initialize the constants, but we want to initialize with some more complex dependent functions that aren't const themselves.


This article has some good discussion on this topic.

I think we might want to generate these constants via a build.rs script.

jalberse commented 5 months ago

I'm not overly concerned about this - this doesn't seem to be somewhere we spend a lot of time in rendering from profiling. Low priority. Might even not do this; lazy initialization might just be more ergonomic than any initialization logic.

jalberse commented 4 months ago

I don't think this is actually something we want to do. I don't think it impacts performance, it's not in any hot loops I've seen. If it ever becomes an issue we can do it.