jalensailin / mvrpg

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Origin and Occupation items to create #3

Open RGK13 opened 2 months ago

RGK13 commented 2 months ago

If you look at the rules when creating a character, the Occupation and Origin include a bunch of predetermined Traits and/or Tags. If I were to create a character I would prefer to drag and drop an Occupation with all the right traits and tags in one shot than to drag them one by one so if it's not too much work to add those two items (Occupation & Origin) it would be a plus. I think that now we can include items into items so the GMs could create their Origin and Occupation items with the sub traits and tag already included in them. Hope this helps and does not make your life more complicated... :-)!

jalensailin commented 2 months ago

That's definitely a plan, but it's a bit more complicated than it seems at first glance. I'd like to implement this feature but to do it right, requires a few things to figure out:

  1. I cannot include any premade items (aka traits, tags, powers) because I do not want to risk making the publisher mad.
  2. Thus, we need a way to identify player-made items. We could just go by name, but then what if two items share the same name? What if there is an item in the sidebar that matches, but also an item in the compendium? We could go by ID, but then what if that item gets deleted and a new one is dragged in, now the IDs don't match. This is the largest barrier IMO.

Let me know what you think or if you have a clever way of approaching this problem. For now, I am inclined to push this off until after initial release, as it is something that should be reasonably easy to do manually as a player.

RGK13 commented 2 months ago

I was not assuming you would create the tags and traits! That would be too much work for you but let the GMs create their own so this would not put you in trouble with Marvel. I dont think they have an IP on the words Occupation and Origin... :-) So only adding the two options in the create item drop down would help GM's build their own list of traits and tags in each Occupation or Origin. IMO I would just be happy if a dev like yourself gave me the tools so that I can create my own world. I dont think you need to worry about the names of items and such because it would all be created by the users, thus keeping you out of harms way with IP and managing if they forget to backup their worlds and all gets errased...

PS: Who knows, maybe Marvel calls you up latter and asks you to work for them on this Foundry version of their game!!! Hope they do!

jalensailin commented 2 months ago

Thanks! As you say, it was never a question of whether I would include the items in-game (I unfortunately cannot), but rather the difficulties in how to define what items should be automatically added from within the settings for Origin/Occupation. How do I "point" to the correct item from within the Origin or Occupation? Not saying its an unsolvable problem, just that it may be too much work to figure out before the initial release. Hopefully that makes more sense to you

RGK13 commented 2 months ago

So I will comment on this but please keep in mind I have NO skills what so ever in programming so I might be saying stupid stuff... If I understand your comment correctly, I don't think it would be problem because Foundry lets us put items into items now no???

jalensailin commented 2 months ago

Hmm, that would fix this issue but as far as I'm aware, items cannot exist in other items by default in foundry. It would have to be manually coded (as we do in the cyberpunk red system). Do you know of a system where this is the case, as an example?

fougerec commented 2 months ago

IIRC in the Call of Cthulhu system when you select an Occupation it auto selects your skills.