xxx/securesocial/samples/java/demo$ activator run
xxx/securesocial/samples/java/demo/project/plugins.sbt:11: error: not found: value Common
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % Common.playVersion)
It's the same error with the Scala sample.
I found the Common definition in securesocial/project/Common.scala, but do not know how to make it visible from securesocial/samples/java/demo/project/plugins.sbt or securesocial/samples/scala/demo/project/plugins.sbt
Samples failt to run with master branch (
It's the same error with the Scala sample.
I found the Common definition in securesocial/project/Common.scala, but do not know how to make it visible from securesocial/samples/java/demo/project/plugins.sbt or securesocial/samples/scala/demo/project/plugins.sbt