jalius / jwaim

cs:go linux external multihack
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pull teklad's updates to the base fork #11

Closed jalius closed 6 years ago

Teklad commented 6 years ago

You ever have any issues with the hack::aim randomly not working at times? I've seen this behavior both with my modifications and with this master branch. It's kinda like it fails to find a target when using the aimbot. I've been looking into it but I'm at a bit of a loss.

jalius commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure, ive had an issue with it locking on and then not shooting (it's timing related, trigger releases too early) and also an issue with it not being able to lock at all. I feel like I should honestly just rewrite the whole thing at this point.

Teklad commented 6 years ago

It wouldn't be a bad idea. I'm down to pitch in with the rewrite. I'm not that great at finding offsets (never done it so have no clue where to start), but I can definitely lend a hand with the front-end stuff. Rewriting the UI to use cairo on the overlay window would probably be less intensive than a transparent QT window (the QT window basically doubles the CPU usage for me).

Another idea is to have a single thread dedicated to reading all the required memory in a quick swoop rather than reading each one individually. If I remember correctly process_vm_readv supports reading from multiple locations at once via an array. Don't quote me on it though.

jalius commented 6 years ago

Yeah the performance on this is pretty awful. We can do multi reads in one call, which most likely would make a huge difference. I can think of many other improvements to make in regards to the logic of the cheat, that because of the (admittedly) horrid code that I wrote months ago are unfeasible. If I whip up a new base with some more efficient code, and if we could couple that with a new GUI it would be dope. The only thing I'm worried about is the panorama UI update coming and messing with anything we build. Also, I will be on leave from the 24th to the 30th, so I won't be able to make improvements during that time. That said, I'm excited to begin building a more efficient cheat!

Teklad commented 6 years ago

I don't see the panorama update causing too many issues... outside of maybe some offset changes. The amount of changes required to the current code base would be pretty drastic so a rewrite seems better to me.

I've got a couple of other projects to keep me occupied until after the 30th so whenever you come up with a base just let me know and I'll start hacking away at it too. Also, if you don't mind telling me how you came up with the offsets in the first place it'd be pretty useful to me. I really enjoy reverse engineering in general.

jalius commented 6 years ago

About the offsets, I was able to find many of them through a simple cheat engine memory scan. For example I could find the view angles, player position, health, etc., which is enough to make a simple aimbot. For more complicated offsets, you should look towards AimTux, they have a netvar dumping functionality that I used: https://github.com/AimTuxOfficial/AimTux/blob/master/src/Utils/netvarmanager.cpp I don't actually have any more information about how they implemented it, but it's all there if you feel like digging.

I should mention that to use the netvar dumper you simply need to load AimTux, it will drop a netvar.txt or similar in your CSGO folder.