jallen30gt / MIC-Tungsten-Nanowires

This site is dedicated to a project for ME 8883 on extracting process-structure linkages for the electrochemical evolution of tungsten-oxide-hydrate layers on a tungsten wire surface
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Image Processing #10

Closed jallen30gt closed 10 years ago

jallen30gt commented 10 years ago

Initial code as been written to begin image processing:


This code puts each image into a nested cell so that we can access the greyscale values (which the program inverts) for later processing. The program also lets you select the pixel row ranges you wish to analyze across the entire image and averages each row down the column with a simple average. The program also allows the user to select which images are to be plotted (averaged values acorss the image width) so that you have an idea as to the surface evolution over time.

Now i need to figure out how to reduce noise from data and what the next steps are. We also need to figure out what our data relates to. What does it tell us....is it just an intensity factor of electrons?

jallen30gt commented 10 years ago

All objectives from this issue have been addressed (at least initially)