[x] Implement this method as a member of qprop.wavefunction.Wavefunction object.
[ ] Try to make this plotting routine as a separate function and let this method be a wrapper of the actual routine function.
[ ] Implement decalcomanie argument of the complete bisection of a sphere in real space.
For this, the number of phi grid points should be even to get an exact bisection. For example, if the constant phi coordinate was set as pi/2 than the other phi coordinate against which the state function of that side should also be plotted is pi/2 + pi = 3/2 * pi.
argument of the complete bisection of a sphere in real space.phi
grid points should be even to get an exact bisection. For example, if the constant phi coordinate was set aspi/2
than the other phi coordinate against which the state function of that side should also be plotted ispi/2 + pi = 3/2 * pi